What We Do
Trinidad and Tobago’s primary objective as it relates to international civil aviation security is to assure the protection and safety of passengers, crew, ground personnel, the general public, aircraft and facilities of an airport serving civil aviation, against acts of unlawful interference perpetrated on the ground or in flight.
To achieve this primary objective, defined roles, responsibilities and various methods of operations are implemented through the establishment of processes to ensure our aviation security legal framework and other related policies and procedures meet theinternational requirements.
The Aviation Security and Facilitation (AVSEC-FAL) Department has the statutory obligation and function for the regulation and oversight of all civil aviation security-related entities and activities in Trinidad and Tobago. In this regard, we have established a comprehensive national aviation security policy framework that is supported by primary and secondary legislation.
The AVSEC-FAL main objectives are inter alia:
a. To monitor the implementation of aviation security measures by regulatees that implement aviation security functions, to comply with the Trinidad and Tobago Aviation Security legal framework. Regulatees include:-
- Local and Foreign Aircraft Operators (Passenger and/or Cargo)
- Aircraft Catering Operators
- Aerodrome Operators
- Any other aviation document holders (i.e Screeners and AVSEC Instructors)
b. To ensure the effectiveness of the aviation security regulations.
c. To identify any deficiencies and appropriate corrective actions.
d. To ascertain any changes that may be required in aviation security regulations, and/or procedures.

Trinidad and Tobago Civil Aviation Authority
"Provision of a Regulatory Framework to facilitate a Safe, Secure and Effective Aviation Industry and Air Navigation Services within the Piarco Flight Information Region"
- Contact: 668-8222
- Email: ttcaa@caa.gov.tt
- Website: www.caa.gov.tt

Official Business Hours: Administrative and
Regulatory Sections: Mondays – Thursdays: 8:00am to 4:15pm Fridays: 8:00am to 4:00pm
Closed on Weekends, Public Holidays and after business hours. · Air Navigation Services Operations: 24 hour Service every day including Public Holidays.