This web page contains NOTAM from the Eastern Caribbean States, the British Virgin Islands and Anguilla.
There are three (3) links that direct users to:
– A list of Current NOTAM,
– NOTAM issued by State and
– NOTAM issued by Location Indicator.
The three (3) web pages are continuously updated when NOTAMN, NOTAMR and NOTAMC are issued.
Once daily, between the hours of 0100 and 1200 UTC, these pages are completely updated, which means that all expired NOTAM are removed and the lists are verified for accuracy.
NOTAM by State
NOTAM by Location Indicators

Trinidad and Tobago Civil Aviation Authority
"Provision of a Regulatory Framework to facilitate a Safe, Secure and Effective Aviation Industry and Air Navigation Services within the Piarco Flight Information Region"
- Contact: 668-8222
- Email:
- Website:
Official Business Hours: Administrative and
Regulatory Sections: Mondays – Thursdays: 8:00am to 4:15pm Fridays: 8:00am to 4:00pm
Closed on Weekends, Public Holidays and after business hours. · Air Navigation Services Operations: 24 hour Service every day including Public Holidays.