The Trinidad and Tobago Civil Aviation Authority (“the Authority”) was established by the Trinidad and Tobago Civil Aviation Authority Act, No. 33 of 2000. This Act was replaced by the Civil Aviation Act, No. 11 of 2001 (the “Act”), which came into effect on November 01, 2001.
The primary functions of the Authority are:
· To maintain a standard of safety and efficiency in the Civil Aviation system that is at least equal to the standard of safety prescribed by the Chicago Convention and any other Aviation convention, agreement or understanding to which Trinidad and Tobago is a party;
· To regulate, in accordance with the Act or other written law: –
1. Civil Aviation operations in Trinidad and Tobago
2. The operation of Trinidad and Tobago aircraft
3. The operation of maintenance organizations in respect of aircraft on the Trinidad and Tobago register
· To provide an adequate system of air traffic services in the Piarco Flight Information Region and such other airspace as may be the subject of a treaty or an agreement between Trinidad and Tobago and any other State or organization;
· To carry out an investigation of any aircraft accident occurring in or over Trinidad and Tobago or in relation to any Trinidad and Tobago aircraft; and
· The development of Civil Aviation and the maintenance of a Civil Aviation system that is consistent with national security policy.
The TTCAA is comprised of four (4) main divisions:
1. Office of the Director General
TTCAA Complex

Trinidad and Tobago Civil Aviation Authority
"Provision of a Regulatory Framework to facilitate a Safe, Secure and Effective Aviation Industry and Air Navigation Services within the Piarco Flight Information Region"
- Contact: 669-4302
- Email: ttcaa@caa.gov.tt
- Website: www.caa.gov.tt
Official Business Hours: Administrative and
Regulatory Sections: Mondays – Thursdays: 8:00am to 4:15pm Fridays: 8:00am to 4:00pm
Closed on Weekends, Public Holidays and after business hours. · Air Navigation Services Operations: 24 hour Service every day including Public Holidays.