Trinidad & Tobago Civil Aviation Regulations (TTCARs)
Arising out of the Primary Aviation Legislation are the Subsidiary Aviation Regulations whose objectives are to maintain a standard of safety and efficiency in the Civil Aviation System. These standards must conform with those of ICAO’s Standard and Recommended Practices (SARPS) contained in the ICAO Annexes to the Convention on International Civil Aviation.
The enacting of TTCARs satisfies the requirement of ICAO Safety Oversight System critical element two (2) – the provisions of adequate regulations.
The Authority, with the Approval of the Minister, makes the necessary Regulations for the safe and efficient conduct of Civil Aviation. All Regulations drafted by the Authority are subject to negative resolution of Parliament before taking legal effect…

Trinidad and Tobago Civil Aviation Authority
"Provision of a Regulatory Framework to facilitate a Safe, Secure and Effective Aviation Industry and Air Navigation Services within the Piarco Flight Information Region"
- Contact: 669-4302
- Email:
- Website:

Official Business Hours: Administrative and
Regulatory Sections: Mondays – Thursdays: 8:00am to 4:15pm Fridays: 8:00am to 4:00pm
Closed on Weekends, Public Holidays and after business hours. · Air Navigation Services Operations: 24 hour Service every day including Public Holidays.