Your Rights at the Screening point
When you enter the screening checkpoint, you are taken to consent to each screening procedure, except pat down search. If a pat down search is required, you will be asked to consent to that process. You have the right to refuse your consent to a pat down search or to any other screening process, however, if you refuse to be screened, you will not be allowed to pass through the security screening point or board your flight.
- You “DO” have the right to refuse a full body screening. However, you may be asked to submit to an “Enhanced pat down”.
- During the pat down , Aviation Security Screeners may :
– Use a palms-forward search procedure that replaces the “back of the hand” search.
– Use their palms and fingers to probe under a passenger’s clothing.
– Insert their hands between underwear and skin.
– Slide their hands along a passenger’s thighs and around the breast.
- Children under twelve years old (12) are “NOT” exempt from, but they will receive “modified” pat downs instead.
- Parents “DO” have the right to request a private screening in which a witness may be present.
- Aviation Security Screeners will not allow exemptions based on religious beliefs.
- Inform the Aviation Security Screener about disabilities, sensitive areas, medical devices, or other conditions prior to a pat down.
- Refusal to submit to these security procedures may results in denied access to your flight.
- Passengers have the right to request that they are screened by members of the same sex.
Physical Searches
- A physical search is required to resolve screening equipment alarms, when a passenger is randomly selected for additional screening or if a passenger must bypass the walk through metal detector due to a medical condition (e.g., pacemaker). The Aviation Security Screening Officer will also perform a visual search under accessories such as belts or scarves. The Aviation Security Screening Officer may also ‘pat down’ the passenger to ensure that the individual is not concealing anything under his or her clothing.
What you should know: Steps to get you through screening:
- You will be asked to walk through a metal detector. You may be asked to remove your shoes, your belt or other metal objects such as piercings that may cause an alarm to sound.
- If the metal detector alarm sounds, you will be asked by the screening officer to remove any metal objects and place them on the trays provided. You will then be asked to walk through the metal detector a second time.
- If the metal detector sounds again, you might also be asked to take part in a frisk (pat down) search. You can ask that screening take place in a private room. Please talk to the screening officers to make these arrangements.
- Let screening staff know if you have any medical conditions that might cause the metal detector alarm to sound; for example, an implanted metallic joint.
- Physical searches can be conducted at the screening line or in a private search room.
- Passengers may ask that the ‘pat-down’ be conducted in a private search room.
- When conducted in a private search room, two Screening Officers of the same gender as the passenger must be present. One will conduct the search and the other serves as a witness.
- If you or your belongings are selected for additional screening, you may request that the Screening Officers wear gloves.
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