Frequently Asked Questions
Q – Can an adult travel with two children under the age of two?
A – For the safety of both the adult and the child, no person shall be responsible for more than one infant (children under the age of two).
As time is of the essence during an evacuation, it is very difficult to safely evacuate an aircraft in a timely manner while holding two or more infants. The aisle and row width as well as the dimensions of the emergency exit openings are the two major factors that inhibit a rapid egress.
Q- I want to travel with my infant and I would like to be able to use my infant’s car seat. What should I be aware of?
A – First of all, although a child who has not reached their second birthday may be held in an adult’s arms, TTCAA highly recommends the use of an approved child restraint for all phases of flight. The use of a child restraint system provides the greatest degree of protection for the infant or child and its use during flight will help in case of unanticipated turbulence. By using the child restraint on the aircraft, it will also ensure that you will have it available for use in the car at your destination.
Should you decide to use your child restraint system, it would be a good idea to contact your airline for their specific policies.
Q – Why can’t booster cushions, child vests/ harnesses or “belly belts” be used on board?
A – Aircraft seats are designed to different standards than automobile seats and some devices work differently and fit differently in them.
Booster cushions are designed to be used for older children who have outgrown their car seat.
Child vests and harnesses are not approved as a means of restraint on board an aircraft as testing conducted has demonstrated that they will not protect a child in the aircraft environment.
“Belly” or “Loop” belts are intended for infant use and are attached to an adult’s safety belt by feeding the adult’s belt segments through a loop on the infant’s belt. The adult’s belt segments are then fastened together, the infant placed on the adult’s lap, and the infant’s belt is then fastened around the infant. These devices are not approved for use in an aircraft, as they will not protect the infant from injury during an accident.
Q – What are the requirements for the amount of carry-on baggage that a passenger may carry on board an aircraft?
A – The airline’s carry-on baggage control program must be appropriate to their aircraft types and configurations. The purpose of this program is to prevent the boarding of carry-on baggage that exceeds the weight, size, shape and total volume limitations of the approved stowage areas of the aircraft. All carry-on baggage must be safely stowed in an approved location on board the aircraft. Therefore, the amount and size of carry-on baggage may vary between airlines, as it is dependent on the amount of available stowage space on each aircraft.
Some airlines have developed a sizing device to assist with the acceptance and refusal of carry-on baggage. Carry-on baggage must fit within the dimensions of this sizing device. These devices are generally located near the check-in and gate areas.
To prevent boarding delays, it is advisable that passengers enquire about the airline’s carry-on baggage limitations prior to arriving at the airport.
Q – To whom are complaints addressed?
A – Service related complaints or inquiries should be addressed directly with the airline. Examples of service related items include problems with:
- check-in, reservations, accommodations, incurred expenses;
- late or lost luggage;
- seat pitch (distance between your seat and the seat in front of your seat);
- the content and quality of snack/meal/beverage service;
- delays;
- rude or discourteous staff;
- provision of amenities or passenger entertainment, such as lack of pillows or blankets, magazines, or newspapers;
- cabin temperature; and
- air fares.
It is the mandate of Trinidad and Tobago Civil Aviation Authority to ensure the safe operation of aircraft, and the safety of passengers and goods carried on board. Safety related issues should be directed to the TTCAA and when contacting us, please include:
- the date, flight and airline on which the incident occurred; and
- a description of the incident including crew actions, if applicable.
Q – Can an electronic device be used on board an aircraft?
A – Some electronic devices are strictly prohibited for use at any time as such devices have the potential to interfere with the aircraft’s navigation and communication systems. Other electronic devices may only be operated with the permission of the crew during the cruise portion of the flight.
All electronic devices must be stowed for take-off, landing and during turbulence.
Personal devices with headsets or earphones are not permitted to be used during take-off, landing, and turbulence or while walking on the airport apron. Headsets and earphones decrease one’s ability to hear crew member instructions, especially during an emergency, and decrease one’s awareness of potential hazards on the airport apron.
To determine whether a device is acceptable for use, contact the airline prior to travel or a crew member once on board the aircraft.
Q – Are there requirements for occupying a seat in an emergency exit row?
A – Each airline must establish procedures to ensure that seats in an emergency exit row are not occupied by passengers whose presence in those seats could adversely affect the safety of passengers and crew members during an emergency.
Passengers seated at exits:
- must be physically capable of using the exit;
- must be capable of understanding the printed and spoken emergency instructions;
- must be able to visually determine if the exit is safe to open;
- must have sufficient mobility, strength and dexterity to reach, operate and stow (or otherwise dispose of) the emergency exit;
- must be able to receive aural information from the crew and to orally communicate that information to other passengers;
- must be of a minimum age (as established by the air operator) to ensure that he/she has the physical, cognitive and sensory capacity to operate an emergency exit;
- must not be responsible for another person as this can hinder the opening of the emergency exit; and
- must not have a condition that might cause them harm by opening the exit.
Q – Can duty free alcoholic beverages be consumed in flight?
A – No. Passengers may not consume alcohol purchased at a duty free shop prior to flight, or from on board duty free services, while on board the aircraft. Only alcoholic beverages provided by the air operator may be consumed while on board.
Q – Should seat belts be fastened throughout the flight, even when the seat belt sign is turned off?
A -In-flight turbulence is one of the leading causes of injuries to passengers.
Clear air turbulence can occur without warning and is caused by atmospheric pressure differences, cold or warm fronts, jet streams, mountains or thunderstorms. Turbulence may last just seconds but has contributed to many severe passenger and crew member injuries.
To best protect against injuries, it is advisable to always have your safety belt fastened while seated.
Q – Why it is important to pay attention to safety briefings?
A – Airlines are required to provide passenger safety briefings. The Canadian Aviation Regulations describe the minimum content of the safety briefings.
Safety briefings are important because:
- the briefing provides important information that is necessary for the safety of all persons on board and supplements the information contained on the Safety Features Card;
- the briefing provides important information that may be needed during an emergency; and
- the briefing provides information about the aircraft and aircraft equipment that may be required in the event of an emergency, such as the location and operation of emergency exits.
As an informed passenger, you will increase your chance of survival. Put your newspaper down so that others can see and stop talking so that others can hear.
Q – Why should passengers read the safety features card?
A – A Safety Features Card contains safety information about the aircraft on which the passenger is travelling. Passengers should read the safety features card on every aircraft because the type and model of aircraft can differ. Even an aircraft of the same name may have exits in different locations and those exits may operate differently. The doors at the front of an aircraft may operate differently from those at the rear. The main cabin door may operate differently than the other doors.
Even the equipment that is carried on board operates differently and may be in a different location from aircraft to aircraft or airline to airline. For example, a life vest may have a single strap on one aircraft but double straps on another. The hooks or clips to attach the life vest around the waist may also be different.
In addition, these cards show the safest route passengers should follow upon leaving the aircraft in an emergency and which exits may be inoperative in water. These can also vary with each aircraft.
Should an emergency occur, passenger reaction time would contribute to a successful action plan or evacuation. It is important to know the information contained on these cards before the emergency presents itself. So, take the time to read the Safety Features Card – it may save your life!
You must have valid identification and other travel documentation for yourself and any children travelling with you to show at the check-in counter and again at the boarding gate.