International Commercial Air Transport Licences
All air carriers wishing to apply for an International Commercial Air Transport Licence to operate into and out of Trinidad and Tobago are required to:
- Apply in writing on the prescribed form Schedule 1 Form, Civil Aviation Trinidad and Tobago Civil Aviation [(No17) Economic] Regulations, 2016 and must contain all particulars prescribed in Schedule 1.
- Documentation must be supplied and packaged according to the three (3) categories listed below, to the Manager Economic Regulation to satisfy the requirements of the following:-
- • Safety Regulations
- • Aviation Security
- • Economic Regulations
- Applications must be addressed to the:- Manager Air Transport Economic Regulation, Trinidad and Tobago Civil Aviation Authority, Administration Building, Caroni North Bank Road, Piarco.
- Applications must be done at least 90 days in advance of the intended date of operation (this includes advertising the route for the purpose of ticket sales).
- Applications and all required documents must be in the English Language or accompanied by an authentic translation.
(a) A copy of a valid air operator certificate or equivalent document issued by the foreign authority.
(b) A copy of the licence or authorization granted to the air operator by the appropriate authority of the State of the air operator to operate an air transport service to, from and within Trinidad and Tobago.
(c) A copy of the airline’s Operations Manual including the Cabin Crew Manual, where it is published as a separate document, to include a current copy of the approval document for the operations manual.
(d) A copy of the approval page for the Minimum Equipment List for each aircraft type intended to be operated by the foreign air operator in Trinidad and Tobago
(e) A copy of the valid Certificate of Airworthiness for each aircraft type intended to be operated by the foreign air operator in Trinidad and Tobago;
(f) A copy of the Certificate of Registration issued for each the aircraft proposed to be operated by the air operator in Trinidad and Tobago.
(g) A copy of that part of the maintenance schedule describing servicing and maintenance checks that are required to be performed in Trinidad and Tobago.
(h) A copy of the maintenance contract between the air operator and the Approved Maintenance Organization, where the maintenance under subparagraph (g), is carried out by an Approved Maintenance Organization approved by the foreign authority;
(i) A copy of the lease agreement for wet or dry leased aircraft used by the foreign air operator which is not reflected in his Operations Specifications approved by his foreign authority;
(j) A copy of any equivalent Operations Specifications issued by the foreign authority for any Specialized flight Operations Specifications requested by the foreign air operator for operations in Trinidad and Tobago.
(k) Any other document the Authority considers necessary to ensure that the intended operations will be conducted safely.
(a) The proposed Aircraft Operator Security Programme for an airline which meets the requirements of the Trinidad and Tobago Civil Aviation [(No.8) Security] Regulations, 2004 for the acceptance and subsequent approval by the Authority.
- Note: the use of the TTCAA model security programme template is desirable as a means of compliance.
- In the event that an operator uses their own security programme, the programme must be accompanied by a statement of compliance – (TAC-012D for reference).
- Procedures and processes outlined must be specific to the requirement of the TTCARs.
(b) An airline’s Aircraft Operator Security Program will be accepted and subsequently approved by the Authority subject to satisfactory determination by the assigned Aviation Security Inspector.
- Where Operations Specifications are granted and the Operator Security Programme has been accepted/approved, the requirements of Air Transport Economic Regulation (Trinidad and Tobago Civil Aviation Regulations – TTCAR 17) will then be applied for granting a Licence.
(c) Any other documents the Authority considers necessary for the intended operations.
a) Copy of Diplomatic Note showing Designation of the Carrier as a National Carrier of their State.
b) Submit proposed schedule of frequencies, with details of intended Time Tables
c) Submit passenger fares (Through and intermediate)
d) Submit freight fares (Through and intermediate)
e) Airmail Conveyance Rates (Through and intermediate)
f) Free Baggage Allowance and excess Baggage Rates
g) State the company’s policy on overbooking
h) Business Plan (must detail Operational cost of the route, load factors, breakeven point etc.
i) All Schedules and Rates MUST first be submitted to the Department of Air Transport Economic Regulation for approval before they are made available to the public. This includes all subsequent changes or variations thereafter, eg. Fare sales, specials and any other variations to fares and rates or variations to schedules including inclusions or reductions and time changes from that which was submitted during application for licence.
j) Total number of aircraft belonging to applicant (individual type and seating capacity)
k) Total aircrew personnel on Pay-roll (Pilot and Flight Attendants)
l) Name and contact information for:
- Manager/CEO/Director/President of the company
- Local Representative
- Handling Agent (if any)
m) Details of insurance of the aircraft on the proposed route.
n) Thereafter submit monthly returns (TTCAR #17) schedule 7 forms, by deadline date of 10th day of the following month.
o) Applications must be on the prescribed forms and forwarded to the Manager Economic Regulations.
Once a licence is processed, all fees must be paid upon collection of the licence before the start of operations.
p) Air Operators must submit to the TTCAA any statistical data so requested by the Authority.
q) Air Operators should refer to the Trinidad and Tobago Civil Aviation [(No17) Economic] Regulations, 2016 for precise details of the procedures governing the approval, supervision and revocation of licences and permits.
r) Any other documents the Authority considers necessary for the intended operations.
NOTE:- It is not permitted to advertise, through any medium, for the sale of tickets or to sell tickets for scheduled fights between two or more places, of which at least one is in Trinidad and Tobago, without first attaining a Licence for the operation or without attaining approval in writing from the Trinidad and Tobago Civil Aviation Authority to conduct such advertisements or sales.

Trinidad and Tobago Civil Aviation Authority
"Provision of a Regulatory Framework to facilitate a Safe, Secure and Effective Aviation Industry and Air Navigation Services within the Piarco Flight Information Region"
- Contact: 668-8222
- Email:
- Website:
Official Business Hours: Administrative and
Regulatory Sections: Mondays – Thursdays: 8:00am to 4:15pm Fridays: 8:00am to 4:00pm
Closed on Weekends, Public Holidays and after business hours. · Air Navigation Services Operations: 24 hour Service every day including Public Holidays.