Air Transport Economic Regulations
Trinidad and Tobago is a signatory to the Chicago Convention and hence has an international obligation to comply with the annexes to the Convention. Governed by the Trinidad and Tobago Civil Aviation [(No17) Economic] Regulations, 2016, the Department of Air Transport Economic Regulation (DATER) has the legal responsibility for the issuance of International Commercial Air Transport Licences for scheduled journeys and International Commercial Air Transport Permits for journeys other than schedule journeys. Additionally the DATER is responsible for the issuance of Domestic Commercial Air Transport Licences and Permits as well as permits for Commercial Aerial Works.
Another function of the DATER is the oversight of customer/passenger protection in accordance with the Trinidad and Tobago Civil Aviation [(No17) Economic] Regulations, 2016. The department also regulates the three (3) major stakeholders of the aviation industry i.e. all Airports, Airlines and Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs). These must be subject to ICAO’s principles and polices in setting user charges, including transparency, consultation and cost-relatedness (ICAO Doc. 9082). However, more detailed economic regulation of user charges and service quality is often required where market power exists and can be exploited. The need for good, independent economic regulation exists whether an airport, airline or ANSP is publicly or privately owned. The stability provided by an effective regulatory framework can also attract long-term financial investment into the aviation industry. This regulatory function enables the DATER to advise the Government of Trinidad and Tobago, through the Director General of Civil Aviation, on the economic aspects of the aviation industry to assist in efficient decision making and planning as investment needs change.
The main functions of the Department of Air Transport Economic Regulation (DATER) include:
∙ Issuance of International and Domestic Commercial Air Transport Licenses and Permits
∙ Oversight of Passenger Rights and Responsibilities
∙ Statistical Research, Analysis, and Evaluation
∙ Oversight of Rates and Charges
∙ Air Services Agreements/Regulations and Policies
∙ Economic Review and Analysis
∙ Regulation/Inspection and Oversight of Air Navigation Service Provider, Airlines and Airports

Trinidad and Tobago Civil Aviation Authority
"Provision of a Regulatory Framework to facilitate a Safe, Secure and Effective Aviation Industry and Air Navigation Services within the Piarco Flight Information Region"
- Contact: 668-8222
- Email:
- Website:
Official Business Hours: Administrative and
Regulatory Sections: Mondays – Thursdays: 8:00am to 4:15pm Fridays: 8:00am to 4:00pm
Closed on Weekends, Public Holidays and after business hours. · Air Navigation Services Operations: 24 hour Service every day including Public Holidays.